Awesome Player

Awesome is often a regular user of MovieStarPlanet. He is Level 30.

About Awesome Player

Awesome is a big fan of the TV show The Big Bang Theory series, also, he enjoys reading manga, acording to his Bio, his favorite is “Bleach”. His favorite book is “The Hunger Games” with the exceptional favorite actor is Jim Parsons.
Usual Apperence

Awesome carries a two of grey looking generic male eyes, which has a freckled nose plus the lips that has a piercing, the piercing as being a black-greyish color, and pale peach skin.


Awesome’s movies are extremely popular. He makes many short movies and each of them features a large quantities of views. Recently, they have made the start of a sequence called This Movie is really a Secret movie. This movie has over thousands of views. He says he will be generating parts, but no-one knows the amount of.

Awesome’s artbooks are another popular facet of him. When he got his 1st pet, shortly fater he began a set of artbooks based on it. 1 of the reached the primary page on the Top set of artbooks. He also made an artbook advertising his movie serises, “This Movie is often a Secret” that reached the primary page in the top artbooks.